miércoles, 8 de febrero de 2017

Thank you, M'am | Traditional Criticism

Langston Hughes 
by Langston Hughes

Hello everybody! For today we have a Traditional Criticism about Thank You, M’am by Langston Hughes.

   In "Thank you, M'am", there are many factors that affect that little boy and take the humanist view. This story is about a young boy called Roger, who stole a purse of an elderly woman. The boy was about fourteen or fifteen, he did not realize that action could be that much bad. It was around eleven o'clock at night. What was doing that young boy in the street at night? The reason of why he stole that purse was because he wanted money to buy a pair of blue suede shoes. Probably, this woman could have punished and took him to the Police Office. But the reality was totally different. She took him to her house, she helped Roger and gave him food. The good action from this woman, Mrs. Luella Bates Washington Jones, teach us that there is always a deep reason of the bad actions people do. M'am threated him in a nice way, even though this boy tried to snatch her pocketbook, she discovered he just wanted to buy a pair of shoes and he didn't thought he was affecting someone else to get what he desired. 

   Throwing back long time ago, the situation of African Americans in USA was quite difficult. They were discriminated and bullied. There was a lot of racism and xenophobia for black people. The economic situation was awful, Afro-Americans were bad paid, with a low life quality and not well-educated and prepared in studies. Besides, Roger's parents couldn't give him money to buy a pair of shoes and they didn't care about him, because it was too late that night for a young boy walking down the street. Probably, Roger wasn't taught that stealing someone else's things was wrong and that getting money in that way could end in jail. In the 1900's, Afro-Americans were full of poverty, discrimination and bad qualities conditions. Roger was a little boy with a single and normal desire at that age, he just wanted a pair of blue suede shoes. At the end of the story, M'am gave him money and left him go. She had a sensible heart and treated him in the best way she could. Mrs. Luella understood his situation because she knew how was his life condition, and she saw her childhood in through the eyes of that little Roger. I really like the decision she took towards the situation, she taught him a lesson in a very suitable way.

I want to know what you guys think about this nice story of the 1900's in USA

Here you have these questions

1. What would you do if something similar happens to you? 

2. How do you think were Afro-Americans' situation in those years?

Here I attach a link to a website with more information about this story:  "Thank You, M'am" 

See you!

-Bell Solís. 

1 comentario:

  1. Hey! Loved the Blog! A question: What makes you think that Roger stole Mrs. Jones’ purse at night? Could you let me know where it says that in the story? Very curious. Also, the 1900’s is a very vast time period. Could you be more specific? I think readers would appreciate it more. I also recommend that your copy and paste your Blog post in Word and check spelling and grammar.
